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Friday, 12 August 2016


Sooner than I'd ever imagined - the day has arrived when SAVING SOPHIE  has been lovingly pushed out into the wild. 

Today is the first of two publication days - it's the ebook now, and I get to do it all again in December when the physical book will be published! Double the excitement!

Avon have organised a fabulous blog tour for me and I will look forward to being a guest on the brilliant blogs involved. My very first stop is with the lovely Anne Cater over on her blog Random Things Through My Letterbox, please do go and check it out HERE!

I'm also lucky to be on Shaz's Book Blog as part of her Spotlight feature and have lovely bloggers who are sharing their reviews of Saving Sophie today as well. I am so grateful for everyone's support!

I have a 'taster' I would like to share with you -

below is the opening of SAVING SOPHIE! 

I hope it makes you want to read on...



‘Shh . . . Don’t speak.’ He releases the strap of the rubber ball gag with his left hand. His right grips a chunk of long, curly hair. Pulling it, twisting it, so she can’t move her head. So tight, she can’t move away from him. So tight, strands of black hair extensions break and tear from her real hair, tiny popping noises oddly loud in her ear. 
   The gag makes a soft thud on the concrete floor, an innocent sound, incongruent with the function it has just served. 
   ‘Stay quiet now. Still. It’ll be over soon.’ 
   He pushes his head up against her temple, hard. The slick tackiness of his sweat covers her forehead as he presses against her, rubbing his head from side to side. The putrid odour invades her nostrils. She tries not to breathe. Fear takes over; a whimper escapes from her dry mouth. 
   ‘No. No noise. I told you.’ His voice is raspy, menacing. 
   Her eyes are wide and swollen, wet with fresh tears – her face stained with old ones. She opens her mouth, just a little, daring to utter the words screaming inside her head: Please don’t kill me. He notices the slight movement of her lips and immediately presses his fingers against them, suppressing the words before they can be formed. Only her breath manages to leak through the gaps of his soft fingers; a stifled exhalation. 
   Her last.

To read the rest, click HERE to get Saving Sophie for the special price of 99p 

I've been overwhelmed with all the support I've had for publication day - so many congratulatory comments across social media - I have struggled to keep up (and may have failed!) Please know I am truly grateful for every single tweet, retweet, comment and message! I really hope everyone who reads Saving Sophie can take something away from it. There have been reviews already - thanks to all who have taken the time to read and write a review - I'm in awe of the ability to write a constructive review, but everyone has managed just that! I appreciate every one. No doubt I'll be quoting from them a bit... 

Ooh... like this:

And this: 

I have had a Q&A over at Avon's twitter account at lunch time today - if you get chance, do go and check out the brilliant 'story in gifs' they did for Saving Sophie - absolute genius!

I will get around to celebrating with the obligatory champagne later - but for now, I'm going to a friends for a coffee and catch-up.

Oh, and I had these super pretty roses from the hubby :) 

My thanks again!

Please do let me know what you think of the novel if you read it :)


  1. Congratulations, Sam. 🎉🎉🎉🍾🍸 Enjoy every minute of your day! As you already know, I loved 'Saving Sophie' and couldn't put it down. Looking forward to having you as my blog guest on Monday 22nd August.

    1. Thank you so much for your congratulations and for having read the book! Am really pleased you liked it - and can't wait to answer your fab questions on the 22nd! X
