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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Writing...Bad for your health?

It has become apparent that my writing habits have 'encouraged' me to become unhealthy.

I am overweight. I don't move enough.

My bum is the shape of my chair. I either forget to eat, or eat rubbish - anything that is quick and close to hand! I drink too much in the evenings - although to be fair I'm not sure I can blame my writing habits for that...

I read this post and realised I am doing myself no favours. Not only am I unhealthy, but more than likely I'm not an efficient writer either. I tend to agree, as the last few days I have really struggled, whilst chained to my laptop, to produce anything worthwhile.

I have taken some action against the ever increasing likelihood of illness, disease and depression. I have gone back to Slimming World. Now, this wasn't an easy thing to do, mainly because I worked REALLY hard at getting to my target weight and have now ruined all that hard work.

But, I was welcomed back into the group
with open arms, and no judgements made. Phew!

So, a new writing routine is needed. Regular breaks, more dog walks - which Riley will be very pleased about, 

healthy snacks...a bit of housework (note: a 'bit') and less wine. Hmmm...hang on...one thing at a time.
I'll let you know if I succeed in any of my new aims.

How do you incorporate healthy habits into your writing day? Would love it if you left a comment! 


  1. It's not the writing that's the problem - it's what we do the rest of the time. It's easy to feel tired after working on a story and forget we've not worked our body as well as our mind.

    1. The time goes so very quickly too! Before I've realised it, I've been sat at the laptop for hours. Yep, definitely need to work the body as well as the mind :)

  2. Samantha, I can totally relate and good for you for doing something about it. I am still at the phase of misery and have just eaten a chocolate cream egg and a packet of crisps. But I am sure if we all pull together, slap that support about a bit and laugh a lot, the spring sunshine will begin to make us all feel better (that's when it gets here. It's decided to snow today where I am). Keep going Samantha! You can do it!

    1. Oooh chocolate cream egg...yum! *Slaps own face* Thanks for your comment, I hope your phase of misery is short-lived! I have just had a very healthy lunch and am off for a dog walk before I change my mind (and the weather changes its mind). Snow? Where are you Nicola? Perhaps a bit of sledging would be good! :)

  3. I have an exercise bike for when I have the urge to move more, and go for short walks to the local shops quite often. I do the occasional exercise video, when highly motivated, which isn't often, and go for walks at weekends. I write for Country Walking magazine, which compels me to go for walks so that I can write about them. But yes, exercise (or lack of) is a problem.

    1. Ah-ha! Susie - great to hear from you, thank you for trying again!
      Writing for that magazine must be a great incentive. You sound ultra fit to me! I do have an exercise bike, treadmill...and more besides - but I struggle to physically move from my seat. I am thinking I may set a timer, so that I at least realise when I've been sat down for too long.

  4. I can relate to the problems you mention, Sam, in that we don't apply the same conditions as in a conventional work place, do we? Sitting at the computer at all odd hours of the day and night, not taking regular breaks, regular meal times etc., etc. Good luck with the new regimes, especially Slimming World. Have been following the 5-2 diet so Mondays and Thursdays are good writing days for me as I'm fasting throughout the day!! I finish at a definite time - usually because I can't wait for my evening meal! Even on those days I need to walk around and give my eyes a break though. I'm still sitting for too long. Perhaps I should get a dog!

    1. Thanks for commenting Jan.Some of my friends are doing the 5:2 diet - it does sound as though it fits in well with your writing. Honestly, without my adorable Riley I would be suffering from constant DVT!! Perhaps we should all be encouraging each other to get up and move more :)

  5. Samantha - I was just thinking the same thing today. Apart from one dog walk I have been sitting writing (except when I got up to get the cream egg I'd bought). I am going to get up and walk around now as you've made me feel bad. I hope your comment above is from Nicky in Germany as I suggested she get in touch with you as you have both given up the day jobs to pursue your dream.

    1. Haha - everyone is making me want to eat chocolate! I'm glad you were encouraged to move about Wendy, but please don't feel bad - I suspect we are not alone in sitting endlessly, ignoring the need to exercise!
      I'm not sure if it is the Nicky you mention - all I know is, it is snowing where she lives (how fabulous!) And if it is indeed 'the' Nicky, then thank you for suggesting she contact me - nice to know I'm not the only mad fool! :)

    2. No, Samantha you are not alone. I am the other mad fool over here - she says waving through the window, wearing ears muffs, scarf and woolley hat (Germany). Thanks to Wendy for sending me your way! We should exchange stories at some point - see who's the craziest :)

    3. Haha, well welcome - it's a good kind of madness at least! Have you a blog link Nicola? Hope you are keeping warm and cosy - lovely day here :)

  6. Weather much better today. Sunshine has returned. I will be launching my blog after the Easter hols - probably moe likely to be the end of May. Am hoping to have something published by then, fingers crossed.

    1. Exciting times - please do let me know when your blog is live. Good luck with the publication - what is it?

  7. You always crack me up!
    When I write, I always have to drink coffee. I don't know if that's healthy...I guess it must be, because if I don't, I can get really cranky and kill one of my characters by accident?
    I have to be overwhelmed when I write. I have to feel as if I am attacked by ocean waves, as I like to call it. It does boost my creativity, so I guess that is healthy too?

    1. Oh coffee - don't get me started - I go through far too much, so definitely NOT healthy, the shakes and palpitations probably aren't a good sign!
      You do get evil then if you haven't had your fix...poor characters! But I'm sure your writing is better for it ;)
